Financial Planning

If You do not know where you are going, how are You going to know You will get there? Put another way: if You have a destination but do not have a map to use, how do You know the path to take? Many folks confuse Financial Planning with general savings and investment advice. While these are important, Our holistic approach to Financial Planning encompasses Your entire life and goes beyond the realm of saving and investing. It is about Your financial lifestyle and Your life ambitions. Once you understand the importance of Financial Planning in connection with meeting your financial aspirations, the more likely You are to be successful.



Our holistic approach to Financial Planning includes:


Discovering You with Holistic Planning: We realize that Financial Planning is all about You and people who are important to You. We can deliver what You need and what You want, when we understand the keys to Your life right now and what will be important for You at every stage of Your life. We make this personalized discovery through interactive meetings that include all aspects of your life that are key to You, such as: hobbies or interests, career satisfaction, family connections, educational background, and the like.


Gathering Your Facts: Beyond Your hopes and dreams are the reality of tangible and intangible assets. On Our Asset Management page, You can read more about asset concepts and how we use them for Your benefit in your planning process. Facts are facts, and reality is best defined as what do we have today that will affect Our future. Numbers are important, as well as your skills and training.


Create Your Plan: When Our planners have a fuller sense of who You are and what You want Your financial future to look like, We work together with Your recommendations and feedback to create a Financial Plan that will help meet those objectives. Your Plan is created when we all agree to proceed with the final financial and life map.


Implementation: Now that the plans are in place, We can take You through the process of implementing them. This involves assigning the various roles needed to fulfill the objectives of Your Plan. You may decide to take Your Plan and apply the strategies yourself, or You may ask us to take part in the implementation of the recommendations.


Frequent Reviewing and Monitoring: When You ask to have Us implement Your Plan, We’ll keep You up to date with every successful implementation. We will remain vigilant throughout the process to ensure you stay on track to meet each of the objectives set out in the plan. Through constant monitoring and frequent reviews with You, we will consult with You and make modifications to the strategies and plans as and when necessary.